1. I think that stories are so important for kids to hear because they allow the child to think in a different way and dream of things that could never happen. It allows them to think beyond their everyday life. They learn about conflict and how they can resolve things.
2. I think that older people read because even at an older age people want to be able to understand or learn different things that are happening in today world it may not be the truth but I think that even made up things keeps the reader reading. Maybe older people things that are fun and silly to bring that back to their childhood days. Older people that read actually stories do it because they are able to learn new things and are able to apply it to their everyday life.
3. I think stores are so important in our nation because people in the US want to hear more about anything really. People these days want to read everything and anything. Many things that writers write have to do with what is going on or what they think will be going on in the near future, this causes people to run out and buy them and read them so that they also have the knowledge that the writer has and any one that has read the book. That is why the books that make it on the New York Times list are the top books because they have to do with what it happening and keep the reader entertained.
4. I really don’t remember that many stories one that stands out the most is Good Night Moon and I think the only reason why it stands out is; my nanny used to read it to me everyday sometimes for than once and she just gave me a copy of it for my birthday so I will always remember the days that she would just sit and read it over and over.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
In Character

1. Barbie has had a huge impact on our culture. Until the last couple of years Barbie was one of the only toys that young girls played with. I remember when I was younger I would beg my mom to buy me the new and coolest Barbie. I thought that she was the best thing it was something that girls could dream of becoming like a doctor of even a princess it was so much fun to think that you could actually be this someday. But Barbie also had a bad impact on culture many women’s rights group said that Barbie should not just be a nurse or a flight attendant because it was showing that women were second in the work force and men were always the main part. Well the creator of Barbie reacted to that and made Barbie into doctors and pilots. The character is so fascinating because there is so much to her, she could do anything and be anything you wanted her to be. All you had to do is dream.
2. The Cookie Monster was the best he brought so much to young kid’s minds that you didn’t need the fancy cars or clothes all you needed was a cookie and you could keep on living your life just as happy as anyone else. He wanted kids to know that they didn’t need to be like the rest to fit in, come on he was blue and only wanted cookies I think that says enough about who he is and what he stands for. When words spread that the Cookie Monster was going to be replaced with a Veggie fans when crazy they wanted their Cookie Monster back.
3. Kris Furillo from Wildfire I think she is important to our culture because she rides horses!!!! She brings awareness to our country about horseback riding and how it is such an amazing sport but there are many downfalls to it; a horse may get hurt and you can’t run the race or the horse may just quit on you and you have to find a new one. Well first of all she starts out being in jail and ever since she left she has been trying to make her life better and trying to get back on track.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Poetry Critique
i carry your heart with me by E. E. Cummings
i carry your heart with me(i carry it in
my heart)i am never without it(anywhere
i go you go,my dear; and whatever is done
by only me is your doing,my darling)
i fear
no fate(for you are my fate,my sweet)i want
no world(for beautiful you are my world,my true)
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you
here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows
higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart
i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)
1. I decided to read this poem because I thought that the name was really cute and I thought that it was going to be a love poem.
2. The title was the main point of the poem that he or she thinks that their significant other is the way that they live their life, they live it for them and do everything for them because they help them grow into a new person and they will always be together as one.
3. I really don’t know what I would like to learn about I enjoyed poetry and wish I could have been in class everyday to absorb everything.
4. The author used a lot of image in their poem they mentioned on how the heart was like the sun helping a tree grows, which it is also a root of the tree to keep it strong. I think the reader’s tension is on the image that the author is trying to portray.
5. The tone is trying to be more of the love and happy area saying that this person is everything to them and they will always be with them because their heart is always with them and always will.
i carry your heart with me(i carry it in
my heart)i am never without it(anywhere
i go you go,my dear; and whatever is done
by only me is your doing,my darling)
i fear
no fate(for you are my fate,my sweet)i want
no world(for beautiful you are my world,my true)
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you
here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows
higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart
i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)
1. I decided to read this poem because I thought that the name was really cute and I thought that it was going to be a love poem.
2. The title was the main point of the poem that he or she thinks that their significant other is the way that they live their life, they live it for them and do everything for them because they help them grow into a new person and they will always be together as one.
3. I really don’t know what I would like to learn about I enjoyed poetry and wish I could have been in class everyday to absorb everything.
4. The author used a lot of image in their poem they mentioned on how the heart was like the sun helping a tree grows, which it is also a root of the tree to keep it strong. I think the reader’s tension is on the image that the author is trying to portray.
5. The tone is trying to be more of the love and happy area saying that this person is everything to them and they will always be with them because their heart is always with them and always will.
Writing Territories
I really hate to say this but I have never enjoyed writing and reading I just feel that it is a hassle and for the first month in this class I didn’t know what I getting my self into but once you were our teacher again. You made it a fun class to be in and very relax. So as of now I kind of like anything and everything that we are doing in class, as far as reading I really enjoy reading short stories but they have to interesting like something to do with people that are my age and what they are going through or anything with horses, I could read anything like that forever. I enjoy writing the same thing because I feel like I could go on and on about it because I am that age and I do ride horses and love being around them. I do not write when I am out of school these days, I use to when I was younger but it would just be a lot of random stuff. But now I just don’t have the time. I’m sure I could make time but I never seem to put the effort into trying to make any.
The teenage years are the hardest time in a young girls life. Maddy and Lauren are in the middle of their senior year. Hey Lauren what should we do tonight? Well I don’t I think Mitch is having some people over if you want to go there. Yeah that would be fun. I’m so stressed right now. Why what is going on? I have applied to all of these schools and still have not heard anything and I have no idea what I am going to do next year. I am sure you are going to get in don’t worry about you are so smart and did well on your ACT’s. I just hope that I found out soon you know. Yeah I know what you’re talking about.
The teenage years are the hardest time in a young girls life. Maddy and Lauren are in the middle of their senior year. Hey Lauren what should we do tonight? Well I don’t I think Mitch is having some people over if you want to go there. Yeah that would be fun. I’m so stressed right now. Why what is going on? I have applied to all of these schools and still have not heard anything and I have no idea what I am going to do next year. I am sure you are going to get in don’t worry about you are so smart and did well on your ACT’s. I just hope that I found out soon you know. Yeah I know what you’re talking about.
1. I have really enjoyed writing about the daily prompts, it makes me think back to when I was younger, and it helps me remember things that I have forgotten or that are just to far back in my memory. Its fun to think of my younger days, I think that it is crazy that I am already 18 and heading off to college. This class has made me realize everything that has happened throughout the years.
2. I really enjoy writing short stories about things that have actually happened and switching it up a little bit. I don’t know if that is my strongest area of writing, but it is the one that I enjoy the most.
3. I feel that I need a lot of structure to get me going. But I only think that because I feel otherwise I will be doing it totally wrong and get a bad grade on it. Also I am not very good at grammar and never no how to do thing correctly.
4. I really don’t know what I would like to learn about I enjoyed poetry and wish I could have been in class everyday to absorb everything.
2. I really enjoy writing short stories about things that have actually happened and switching it up a little bit. I don’t know if that is my strongest area of writing, but it is the one that I enjoy the most.
3. I feel that I need a lot of structure to get me going. But I only think that because I feel otherwise I will be doing it totally wrong and get a bad grade on it. Also I am not very good at grammar and never no how to do thing correctly.
4. I really don’t know what I would like to learn about I enjoyed poetry and wish I could have been in class everyday to absorb everything.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
This weekend was far from fun. I have been having a wonderful time in FL for the last couple of weeks. Being away from school was wonderful, I was able to get most of my school work done within a two hour time period I did question why I even went to school when I was able to do it all on my own. Being able to ride my horse’s everyday and get lessons was amazing it was amazing experience and I learned a lot. Another plus was being able to go to all of the shows while I was there. Well this weekend started out great everyone from team Chiacchia was placed well after the first day. We were all having so much fun together; we knew it was going to be a fun weekend. Well we were very wrong. Saturday morning came around it started out well, my trainer Darren Chiacchia went out to the warm up on his first horse Baron Verdi. This was a very young horse that was very new to the sport. Darren was very nervous about this ride because the course was very difficult. Well Darren and Baron came up to fence five and Baron did the unthinkable he chested the fence which caused him to do a rotational fall onto Darren. Darren’s chest was crushed. He was then airlifted to the nearest hospital for further treatment. Everyone from the team was so scared to ride we were not sure what to do. But we knew if we didn’t compete Darren would be mad at us so we decided to go for it. Later that afternoon Jon Holling went out on his own horse Direct Merger while jumping fence 8 “Monty” had a heart attack and collapsed and died. It was so sad the watch this happen. Monty was everything to Jon and he was hoping to make the Olympic team this summer. When we thought that the day couldn’t get any worse it did my friend Missy Miller was the next up to go out on the course on her own Leprechauns’ Rowdy Boy. They were looking amazing! She came down the hill to this huge water jump and while going over the first element Rowdy Boy had a heart attack and crashed into the second fence, and flew Missy into the water. Rowdy died instantly. Hearing Missy scream “Get him” “not my Rowdy Boy” was horrible he was the love of her life and her best friend. Team Chiacchia scratched all of the horses from the rest of the competition and went home. We were not willing to risk any more of our horses or riders getting hurt. I hope that Darren makes a full recovery and will be back in the saddle soon. It is going to be very weird at the barn for awhile without him and Monty and Rowdy. They will forever be missed.
This weekend was far from fun. I have been having a wonderful time in FL for the last couple of weeks. Being away from school was wonderful, I was able to get most of my school work done within a two hour time period I did question why I even went to school when I was able to do it all on my own. Being able to ride my horse’s everyday and get lessons was amazing it was amazing experience and I learned a lot. Another plus was being able to go to all of the shows while I was there. Well this weekend started out great everyone from team Chiacchia was placed well after the first day. We were all having so much fun together; we knew it was going to be a fun weekend. Well we were very wrong. Saturday morning came around it started out well, my trainer Darren Chiacchia went out to the warm up on his first horse Baron Verdi. This was a very young horse that was very new to the sport. Darren was very nervous about this ride because the course was very difficult. Well Darren and Baron came up to fence five and Baron did the unthinkable he chested the fence which caused him to do a rotational fall onto Darren. Darren’s chest was crushed. He was then airlifted to the nearest hospital for further treatment. Everyone from the team was so scared to ride we were not sure what to do. But we knew if we didn’t compete Darren would be mad at us so we decided to go for it. Later that afternoon Jon Holling went out on his own horse Direct Merger while jumping fence 8 “Monty” had a heart attack and collapsed and died. It was so sad the watch this happen. Monty was everything to Jon and he was hoping to make the Olympic team this summer. When we thought that the day couldn’t get any worse it did my friend Missy Miller was the next up to go out on the course on her own Leprechauns’ Rowdy Boy. They were looking amazing! She came down the hill to this huge water jump and while going over the first element Rowdy Boy had a heart attack and crashed into the second fence, and flew Missy into the water. Rowdy died instantly. Hearing Missy scream “Get him” “not my Rowdy Boy” was horrible he was the love of her life and her best friend. Team Chiacchia scratched all of the horses from the rest of the competition and went home. We were not willing to risk any more of our horses or riders getting hurt. I hope that Darren makes a full recovery and will be back in the saddle soon. It is going to be very weird at the barn for awhile without him and Monty and Rowdy. They will forever be missed.
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